
Sweeping Declaration.

Wow... I really suck at this whole blogging thing don't I?

*blows dust off poor neglected blog*
 photo zlevihugpillow.gif
(this is a pointless gif of Zachary Levi hugging a pillow. Just because.)

Hmmm.... so what's new with me? Well I got a promotion at my job a few months back. Which has been exciting and stressful (but not in a bad way). It's been really great. The Husband and I have been staying in our nice cool house as much as humanly possible (due to the temperature being in the 100s here), and I've been forcing the books that I love onto my younger cousins and bringing about a new generation who is addicted to Marissa Meyer, Meg Cabot and John Green. I also recently beat Kingdom Hearts for the first time in my life, which for me is an awesome accomplishment. Now I'm working my way through Kingdom Hearts II.

In other nerdy news, The Husband and I bought 6 lightsabers... So each of us could have one of each color (Red for Vader, Green for Luke, Blue for Anakin). Fighting is so much more fun with lightsabers, and the seriousness of whatever we're fighting about wears off quickly when you're battling with lightsabers.

Now onto the reason for this post (other than making it seem like I'm much better at this than I really am), I miss writing. It's been far too long since I wrote anything. It makes me incredibly sad to think about all the time I spent on NaNoWriMo and how I haven't done anything since. Sure, my job has been eating up a lot of my time and energy, but I have to stop making excuses. So the other day I made a sweeping declaration on Facebook. I've decided to write a short story once a month for the rest of year. Weather the story is only 500 words or 5,000 I just want to get back in the habit of writing. The more I write, the better I'll get. I just have to force myself to do it.

So keep an eye on this blog, I'm hoping to post some of my short stories here. Any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

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