
Photoshop Weekend.

This weekend I went and saw Burlesque. It's such an awesome movie! I give high props to Cher and Christina Aguilera. The music, the dancing, its SO amazing! I highly recommend seeing it.

Anywho, afterwards I was browsing my favorite Photoshop Tutorial site and ran across this amazing tutorial for a Casino Style Sign. I was giggling so much I knew I had to try it. At that moment I decided to try and make at least two things a weekend that didn't just involve alternate photo coloration, or icon making. I've been wanting to try and challenge myself with different tutorials and such, and this was the perfect way to start.

Even though I followed the tutorial to the letter, I'm pretty impressed with it myself.

(click to see full image)

the second tutorial I followed was this one for Roses with a Splash effect.
Although it's not as good as the one in the tutorial, it's still pretty good.
(this is a picture from my own wedding, pictures taken by Wendy G.)
(click for to see full image)

I'm hoping that if I keep doing tutorials, eventually I can start making things all by myself. Things that are awesome! *crosses fingers*

1 comment:

  1. Pretty!
    And I'm so sad I had to work instead of see Burlesque with you. :(
