
10 Day You Challenge: Day One` One picture of yourself

I've seen this on a couple blogs around, so I figured, why not? I'm normally pretty bad at memes like these when they're like 30 days. But 10 days I can handle.



This is a one hand self portrait of me as my friends and I were getting ready to go see Little Mermaid on Broadway down in St. George UT. (Excellent show!)

I'm super stoked guys! Finally, after months and months of a dry spell, I finally have a new idea for a story. Not only that, but when the characters came to me, the female main character came to me first. Which normally means that she's going to be the main voice. HECK YES!

I'm keeping the main idea to myself for now. If only so I have time to work out what I'm doing with it. Plus, normally when I tell people what I'm writing about, then the idea and characters decide to boycott. I can't have that right now.

Anyway, I'm super excited to get started. But before I do, there are a few things I have to get done.

1: Create Biographies for at least the MAIN character.
I'm one of those people who have to write down a whole bunch of biographical facts about my main characters before I get started. Blame it on the Role Playing. It's nice to have a little reference sheet to refer back to when my character does something and I wonder why, I can look back at that sheet and be like "Oh! THAT'S why." Of course the more I get to know my characters, the longer those biographies get.

2: Make a playlist
A lot of writers I know can write with almost any kind of music. I'm very specific. It has to be scores to movies or tv shows. Not only that, but they have to be scores to movies that I don't know by heart. I can't listen the the scores from Star Wars, Stargate, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings, mostly because when I hear they, I start watching the movie in my head, which distracts me from writing. So, the scores I've been normally sticking with are ones from Stardust, and P.S. I Love You. Though I'm going to be adding some John Schmidt, and video game music to this next playlist.

3: Set aside time to write
I really wish I didn't have to schedule the time, but really, I think everyone does. Now that I don't have Fridays off, it's a little bit harder for me to schedule specific time to write. Not impossible by any means, but just takes a little juggling.

4: Clean my house
This may seem like something that doesn't need to be done to write, but if my house needs major cleaning (kind of like it does right now) I get too annoyed because I should be cleaning, that writing takes a back seat.

5: Create a Reward System
Yes, similar to how you reward a dog for good behavior. I'm setting up a reward system for milestones.  
6,250 words: lunch at my favorite restaurant, Zupas!
12,500 words: movie in Full price theater.
18,750 words: buy X-Men: First Class on Blu-Ray.
25,000 words: Nerdy photo-shoot with my husband.
 Okay, so my rewards are a little silly. I'm just easily pleased. (:

Really, Step 4 is what is going to take the longest. It is also, the one that may hinder my writing more than I would like. It has to be done. So feel free to bug me this weekend either by posting comments here or tweeting me (@luckiestclover) and asking me if I've started writing yet. Trust me, sometimes I need a kick in the pants.
(this gif is pretty much pointless, I just love it a lot)


  1. Hey Anna. Have you started writing yet?

  2. Have you started writing yet? And I give myself a reward system for everything. So it's awesome. Now get to writing!
